Exhibition of Ceramic Art by Bayer Gheorghe—Untitled1
befrom: writer: newstime:2024-12-02 View:
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Bayer Gheorghe, a Ukrainian ceramist, is a member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine. He has participated in hundreds of international ceramic art exhibitions and seminars held in Ukraine, France, China and many other countries. His works are rich in imagination, exquisitely conceived, delicate in technique and highly skilled. Also, the works fully show his creativity and demonstrate different artistic styles and personalities. 


The ceramist combines the ancient ceramic techniques with modern sculpture, embodying the diversity of materials and techniques. He also shows his artistic and unique insights in the blending of tradition and modernity. The ceramist takes the primitive and simple material of clay as the carrier and brings the character to life through manual shaping. He skillfully applies the traditional technique of clay coiling during the shaping process so that the work not only retains the unique texture and warmth of ceramic art but also maintains the simplicity and abstraction of modern sculpture. 

The work depicts a unique figure image with expressions, postures and inner emotions with delicate techniques.The character is portrayed with a focus on the micro-expression, achieving the visual effect combining form and spirit. Instead of highly decorative glazes, the ceramist uses the simple and profound single-color system as the dominant tone to present a solemn and mysterious atmosphere as well as to provide more room of imagination for the viewers.